You can request copies of images from our collection. We charge $5 for a low resolution scan (approximately 300 dpi) and $25 per high resolution scan (up to 4800 dpi). Copies are supplied on the condition that they will be used soley for personal and/or research purposes, or if published or used for other commercial purposes that you assume responsibility for obtaining any necessary copyright clearance. Where the CRCML holds the copyright on an image then we will provide you clearance for your intended use.
To order copies, go to the catalog, locate the image, then click on the "Request Copy" button below the image and follow the instructions to add this image to the "Cart". You can order more than one image at a time. When ready to complete and submit the order click on the "Cart" button in the top-right of the screen. Then complete the form and follow the instructions on the Picture Cart page.
Low resolution scans can usually be sent within a couple of days following the receipt of your payment. High resolution scans however can take 2 to 3 weeks as the original slides or negatives must be obtained from the cold-storage vault, given time to acclimate and then sent out for high-res scanning.