The site was last updated on:

December 10th 2024

Changes were made to

the surplus book list to reflect sales.

Site change history:

Check out what's changed.


Annual General Meeting:

The AGM for the year ending August 31st, 2024 was held on Saturday November 2nd at 10am at the City of Ottawa Archives Building. Members were notified in advance about the process.


Your annual Membership fee is now due for the year 2024-2025.

Annual Report

2023-2024 Annual Report.

About the Library

Founded in 1994, the Library was established to collect, preserve and make available to the public, materials that document the history of rail transportation in Canada. Materials focusing on the railways surrounding the Ottawa area are of particular interest. The Library has a significant collection of books, magazines, photographs, slides, plans, and archival materials of Ottawa area railway-related organisations. The objective is to provide a comprehensive research base for those seeking information about Canadian railways.

The Library is a federally-incorporated not-for-profit organization, registered as a charitable organization. Library Memberships and Donations to the Library are eligible for receipts for Canadian income tax purposes.

An example from the Photographic Collection.

J. Bryce Lee collection. Burlington, ON. October 1989. You should see a sample image from the Library here.